In my last few blogs I have discussed Core Values and Purpose. Now it is time to discuss the third component that creates clarity inside your company, your BHAG®. Big Hairy Audacious Goal stimulates progress toward a clear finish line set to be reached in the next 10-30 years.   A properly set BHAG® scares your executives at first, as they should have no idea of how to get there. According to Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, “A BHAG® engages people — it reaches out and grabs them in the gut. It is tangible, energizing, and highly focused. People “get it” right away and takes little or no explanation.”

When you are setting your BHAG® make sure it is constructed using the SMART format. When a goal is SMART, it exhibits all the following attributes: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Watch my new video blog to learn how to set your BHAG®!

Test your BHAG® with these practical statements:

  1. Your BHAG® drives you and your strategy, with a 10-30-year window.
  2. Your BHAG is challenging enough so that you are not sure how you are going to reach it and inspires you to greatness.
  3. Your BHAG reinforces your business fundamentals. It aligns and supports your One-Page Strategic Plan.

If your BHAG® did not pass the test email it to me at or call 702.421.3212. Together we will make it SMART.

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