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In the first of my Change Management blog series, How to Deal with “Always Done It This Way”, I asked you to contemplate possible processes that your company may have outgrown or outlived.  Are you prepared to Get-Out-of-Your-Own-Way

[quote style=”boxed”]“If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong,” by Charles Kettering[/quote]

1.Why have we always done it This-Way?

I wish I had kept track over the years, of just how many companies were unable to recall the origin of established processes and procedures.   Once this discussion begins, it often leads the group into a moment of laughter.

2.Is This-Way relevant today?

Once you realize that there is no current basis for the way something is being done, this gives you complete freedom to make positive change.

3.Does This-Way provide value, or does it generate waste?

In order to answer this question, you will have to gather and analyze data, often at this stage the results of your analysis will guide you to dive-deeper, revealing related processes that will benefit.

4.Is it time to stop doing it This-Way?

Timing is everything (they say), once the decision to adjust, reorganize or completely modify a process has been made; project management is key.

Assessing Effects on the System and the People

Form a team to assess the current process, include all key stakeholders, and consider the following 3 key points.

  1. What data is needed? Who is best to gather the data? Who is best to analyze it?
  2. Determine the effects of the current process on other processes as it flows through your system. Ways to do this include:
  • Walk the process together (as a team)
  • Employ Process Mapping
  • Reach out for feedback at all levels
  • Meet often throughout the Assessment Phase, review results and explore possible opportunities for improvements or if a complete change in order
  1. Drill down through possible solutions as a team taking into consideration:
  • What is the desired outcome?
  • How long will it take?
  • Inclusion of new resources or relocating equipment or personnel?
  • Will it be implemented in phases or all at once?
  • Who will manage the change or each phase?
  • How will you assure employee awareness (Building a positive experience for all)?
  • Who will measure and monitor the change?

I will be back again; look for installment-two of my blog series where I will discuss “How to minimize resistance to change at the workplace”.