As a Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, I have been applying lean operation methods to support companies by helping them identify process improvements, implement quality management practices, and align staff with senior management initiatives. Recently I was called in to consult with a 50-year-old company that hadn’t kept up with the times FOR DECADES. I recognized it would require a lot of difficult conversations, tough decisions and executing drastic change.Most challenging for the company was the evaluation of people; from the executive level to line staff, it was important to determine if the right people were sitting in the right seats, doing the right things.The Executive team was willing to self-evaluate and a number of roles required change. Department heads were redirected, and they were given the autonomy needed to run their departments effectively. There were promotions and realignments all deemed to be in the best interest of the company. This was a painful process and these decisions were not taken lightly. Some of the employees who were realigned actually thanked us because of the relief and frustration of being in the wrong role for years in some cases.

Along with the realignment of management teams, another critical influence was the continuous communication of the company’s new direction and purpose. Additionally, they established reasonable and attainable action items to achieve their goals. The success of which was demonstrated by company-wide “What Ever it Takes” attitude and notable dedication to getting things done. With the entire company focused on the same goals amazing results were realized.

This was no small endeavor; during production demands, process improvement changes led to a major shift, only possible because the executive team was committed to moving the company forward.

I have had the privilege of helping many companies with operational improvements, but this effort really surprised me. Major changes were accomplished in a short two-and-a-half months, increasing their deliverables by more than 60%. Other successes, although not easily measured, was the effect on individuals, who shared with me that their level of stress had been reduced significantly, improved sleep, feelings of accomplishment and of being valued.

Why was this company so incredibly successful?

It started with top management attending an Assured Strategy Scaling Up Workshop and realizing that the executive team misalignment was the root cause of their failing company. They needed help in developing a strategy and building a functioning leadership team. Once they adopted Assured Strategy’s methods; learning to set their egos aside, building trust, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses, and holding each other accountable, the outcome was a team of exec’s able to engage in healthy conflict and make sound decisions for their company.

The process is hard work, it takes willingness to be vulnerable, accept disagreement (healthy conflict), make uncomfortable, tough decisions, and commitment to the goal. This team faced the challenge and came out the other side as winners, the company is no longer decades behind, and they are gaining a competitive edge.